Is your Digital Strategy in line with proper access methods?
Everyone is going digital, if not – you will be left behind. There is a constant challenge is keeping abreast with the latest technologies and applications. Everything is happening in the cloud, everyone is working on some customer app…. but what if you are creating access into your systems and data for everyone “out there”?
Most apps and digital access to systems are still password driven. Identity and Access Management is top of mind for most CIO, CISO and security officers and in a recent survey this was highlighted as the most important concern, higher than customer satisfaction. Most companies are looking at refreshing their IAM solutions.
Security teams are on the back foot, struggling to keep control over who and what can access network resources at the very moment that identities are a primary target for hackers who — armed with a valid identity and credentials — can easily bypass other security controls. This makes identities a critical digital asset and puts identity security at the heart of a layered defense strategy. Many organizations have tried to use existing identity and access management (IAM) systems to deal with these seismic changes. But this has led to identity sprawl and debilitating security controls, creating a chaotic environment of unmanaged identities that is difficult to secure. Many identity and access management strategies have become outdated, so companies need to adapt and develop longer-term solutions.
Identities are a critical digital asset, putting identity security at the heart of a layered defense strategy.
For the foreseeable future, CISOs will need to include securing multiprotocol environments in their identity and access management strategy, so the best approach will be to determine which protocols have to be supported and employ a single identity management solution that supports them without the need for extensive modifications or add-ons. This will ensure security and consistency, which in turn improves user productivity and generates cost savings.
Biometrically enabling enterprise applications ensures a higher level of security and should form an integral part of your plan. This method of ensuring secure access has the additional spin-off of not having to manage passwords. Biometrics is the key to solving many access management challenges and should be a key component in aligning your Identity and Access Management solutions with your digital strategy.